Troubleshooting Questions/Problems

I can't see the Abstract Control Panel (left frame).

Wait a little longer. Particularly if you have a very slow connection to the Internet, or when the Internet is very busy, it can take a while to download everything to your screen. Usually the right frame will appear first, then the left. If it takes more than a minute for the Abstract Control Panel to appear, contact technical support by e-mail or by phone (401) 334-0220.

I clicked a button to go to the next step in submitting an abstract, but the page didn't open. What do I do now?

There are several possible reasons opening of the next page did not occur. The most likely is a poor internet connection.

When trying to submit or review an abstract, I get a JavaScript Error. What should I do?

Make sure your browser is set to support JavaScript. To learn how to enable JavaScript, click here. Most older browsers do not support JavaScript, and if you are using one you will need to upgrade in order to exercise the online abstract review system.

JavaScript errors occur in some browsers when you use the browser's "Back" button. You can get around these errors by backing up even more or by exercising a link in the Control Panel and going through the error-causing step again.

JavaScript errors can occur when a hidden portion of a form has not downloaded completely to your computer. Try ignoring the error and proceeding with your work. If that doesn't work, then log in again.

Frequently Asked Questions

I get an error message when I try to add a title, select a category, enter an author, or enter my abstract.

The submission form uses JavaScript for these functions. Make sure that your browser is set to support JavaScript (see above). If it is, make sure that the entire window has been downloaded, including both Abstract Control Panel in the left frame. If you still run into a problem, please let us know by e-mail or by phone (401) 334-0220

I can't find a way to represent a character I need.

If the character appears on this list, you can copy and paste the necessary code into your submission. If not, ask for help via e-mail.

I don't have an e-mail account and I can't submit my abstract without this.

Without an e-mail address, the principal author cannot be promptly notified of submission, acceptance, or rejection. If the principal author or presenter truly has no e-mail address, enter "N/A" in place of an e-mail address.

I've submitted the title and authors, but I don't see how to add the text!

You have apparently overlooked or ignored a message asking you to identify the presenting author as such. Please click on the name of the presenting author and then, near the top of the author form, select the "Yes" button at "Presenting?". Submission of the abstract text is prevented until a presenting author has been identified.

My paragraphs all ran together!

If you are submitting your abstract by typing or pasting it into the text box, you must leave an extra line between paragraphs.

Is it possible to include a bulleted or numbered list?

Yes, there a two ways to do so. If you are submitting your abstract by typing or pasting it into the text box, just leave an extra line at the beginning and end of the list and between items. A more difficult method is to save a document in HTML format; both bulleted and numbered lists are supported by HTML and will generally be preserved as intended if saved from a word processor in that format and then the HTML code copied and pasted into the submission boxes. You would have to check your word processor's user's manual to see the resulting HTML code. If you are not familiar with HTML code, then we recommend simply putting in extra lines.

Is it possible to include a table?

No, tables are not allowed.

How do I use tabs in my abstract text?

Don't. When you submit your abstract online we convert it to an HTML file so it can be displayed in a web browser. Any white space character or string of white space characters -- tabs or blank spaces -- are generally converted to a single space. Do not put tabs at the beginning of paragraphs. Instead, use the standard business style of separating paragraphs by blank lines. Do not use tabs to set up a table.

My abstract is under the word limit but I get a message telling me it's too long.

Some word processors are selective in what they identify as a word. Be sure you have not repeated the title, or authors' information in the Abstract Text. If after close inspection, you still exceed the word limit, use the Technical Support link to e-mail a virus-free copy of your submission in its original word processor file.

When I try to submit my abstract text, I get a proxy error.

You will most likely get this type of error when trying to submit your abstract from behind a corporate firewall. Check with your network administrator for assistance.

How will I know if my abstract has been submitted?

Your abstract is submitted piece-by-piece, as you enter it. When you have completed the last step, you will see a confirming page. At the top of the page will be the words "Abstract Submitted for Review ". Beneath that you will see everything that you submitted. And at the bottom of the page you will find directions for viewing or modifying that submission at a later time (up until the abstract submission deadline).

My abstract doesn't look the way I think it should.

There are some differences between the way things appear in your Word processor, the Web, and in print. Many of the appearance problems can be fixed by changing your browser, word processor, or print properties. Generally, formatting in your word processor is not copied - just the text. We have provided some common formatting codes and symbols in this list, you can copy and paste the necessary code into your submission. If something important has really been lost in the translation during online submission, let us know.

I have made changes to my abstract, but I don't see the changes showing up.

  1. Your browser is displaying an old version of the page to be displayed that was saved to your computer's cache. You will need to check and change your browser's cache settings or clear the cache. See our cache help file by clicking here. Another possibility is that you are behind a firewall. If you suspect that you are, contact your network administrator for help.
  2. Your Internet connection was interrupted and the packets with the new information never made it back to your browser. Place your mouse pointer in an empty area of the Abstract Control Panel, and click your right mouse button then select Refresh or Reload. This should update the information, or try clicking the Select Categories link in the Abstract Control Panel, then just click the Submit button in the right frame.

I can't copy and paste my text into the boxes!

If you are using AOL, this is a known deficiency. AOL does not support all methods of Windows pasting. If one method is not working, try another one. The standard methods for copying and pasting are:

Somehow I entered an author more than once. What happened and how can I fix it?

Most likely you had a slow internet connection and mistook the delay to be that nothing was happening, and you clicked the Add Author link or button more than once. To remove the extra instances of an author, click the link labeled (Delete) that appears after each author's name. You will be prompted to confirm the deletion and the Abstract Control Panel then will update with the new author list.

Other Problems? Please call (401) 334-0220 for assistance. Or ask for help by e-mail.