The 36th National Immunization Conference of CDC

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Challenges for Vaccine Providers in an Age of Bioterrorism

Susan Randall, Inova HealthSource, Inova Health System, 2832 Juniper Street, Suite 201, Fairfax, VA, USA

Flu Vaccine, Adult Immunizations, Bioterrorism, Media

Inova Health System participates in an annual flu vaccination partnership in the metropolitan Washington, DC area and administers more than 80,000 flu vaccinations to adults. The events of September 11, 2001 and thereafter required a rapid and responsive shift in operations in order to meet program objectives.

The primary objectives of the Fight the Flu campaign are to:
1. Provide the public with factual information about influenza and flu vaccines
2. Provide flu and pneumococcal vaccinations to at-risk groups in the community

Planning and implementation of the Fight the Flu campaign occurred as planned with the exception of the announcement of expected early vaccine delays, at which time clinics were rescheduled. When the terrorist attacks occurred, trainings were rescheduled and sessions added to accommodate employees. After the anthrax outbreaks occurred, opportunities arose that were used to educate the public about actions to take to help avoid the flu and to differentiate between anthrax and flu.

1. Numerous challenges occurred in client and nurse scheduling, and staff training
2. Opportunities arose with the media to provide information about flu, flu shots and anthrax, as well as other vaccinations.
3. Marked increase in number of media contacts and information to the public
4. Opportunity to partner with other health care providers and community agencies to provide information about flu and anthrax

Emotional stress, fearfulness and anxiety within a community can motivate people to take positive action to protect health. Numerous opportunities exist to work with the media and other community groups to distribute factual health information that can lead to healthy behavior.

At the conclusion of the session, participants will:
1. Describe the challenges to vaccination providers during periods of community stress and uncertainty
2. Identify how partnerships with the media can educate the public and influence the health of the community.

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