The 36th National Immunization Conference of CDC

Wednesday, May 1, 2002 - 11:20 AM

Excellence in Immunization Awards - National Recognition Program for Innovation and Accomplishment in Immunization

Maureen L. Alt1, Dena Wichansky Penner1, Anita B. Boles2, and David A. Neumann1. (1) National Partnership for Immunization, 4733 Bethesda Avenue, Suite 750, Bethesda, MD, USA, (2) National HMHB, 121 N. Washington Street, Suite 300, Alexandria, VA, USA

Awards, immunization policies, immunization coverage, education, partnership

Attaining high vaccine coverage rates across the lifespan requires committed individuals and organizations that develop policies, build partnerships, provide education and implement vaccination services. Such initiatives, although successful at the local, state, regional, or national level, often go unrecognized, hence limiting their ability to serve as models for others.

The Excellence in Immunization Awards of the National Partnership for Immunization (NPI) were designed to provide national recognition of individuals and groups responsible for innovative immunization initiatives that effectively promote the importance of immunization across the lifespan.

Nomination/application forms were developed and disseminated at national meetings and posted on the NPI web site. Their availability was announced via NPI’s electronic newsletter, VAXfacts, other listservs and by direct e-mail. Award categories included Media, Non-traditional Partner, Coalition/Partnership, Policy and Addressing Disparities. An ad hoc committee of immunization experts reviewed the completed forms.

Nearly 30 nominations/applications were received and reviewed. Award recipients (2 Media, 5 Policy, and 1 award each for Coalition/Partnership, Non-traditional Partner, and Addressing Disparities) were announced at the Excellence in Immunization Awards Luncheon on August 1, 2001. Awardees were profiled on the NPI web site ( and in the NPI Bulletin.

This program calls national attention to those making salient contributions to immunization policy, services, coverage, and education. It uniquely recognizes both local and national initiatives, and contributes to building and maintaining partnerships among the immunization community.

To engage and reinforce positive behaviors of key immunization partners and to improve volunteer recruitment and retention through reward and recognition programs; identify strategies that raise coalition visibility through awards programs; and facilitate the exchange of best practices through recognition of successful immunization strategies.

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See more of The “I” of AFIX: Incentives, Recognition, and Rewards
See more of The 36th National Immunization Conference