Abstract: MA Adolescent/Adult Immunization Program (43rd National Immunization Conference (NIC))

PS25 MA Adolescent/Adult Immunization Program

Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Grand Hall area
Heidi L. Hoffman

In 1992, the Massachusetts Immunization Program (MIP) developed its Childhood Immunization Action Plan (IAP), which has been blueprint for its activities for the last 16 years. In August 2008, the MIP received a grant to develop an Adolescent and Adult Immunization Action Plan, with specific activities to increase influenza and other vaccine coverage for adolescents and adults in the Commonwealth. Coincidently, plan development occurred during the second year of implementation of Massachusetts Health Care Reform, and at the same time as cuts to the state adult vaccine budget.

The Adolescent/Adult IAP is a statewide plan that involves public and private providers, the state and local health departments, insurers, professional and trade associations, and consumers.

The Adolescent/Adult IAP is an effort to increase coverage rates for all ACIP-recommended vaccines for all Massachusetts residents 11 years of age and older.

Project Description:
Between September and December 2008, the MIP held a series of 5 regional facilitated discussions, as well as meetings with the MA Adult Immunization Coalition, the Immunization Advisory Committee of the MA Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics, school nurse leaders, the Pediatric Council, insurers, and other stakeholders. The purpose of the meetings was to solicit broad input into the IAP.

Results/Lessons Learned:
Reimbursement for the cost of administering vaccines remains a serious obstacle to providers administering non-state-supplied vaccines to adolescents and adults. Activities highlighted in the plan include the need for first dollar coverage for all ACIP-recommend vaccines, regardless of where they are administered; promotion of such programs as the Prime Vendor Program and adult vaccine patient assistance programs and the development of an immunization registry.
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