Health Information for Children and Adolescents: Developing Resources That Resonate with Your Audience

Tuesday, August 23, 2016: 3:45 PM-5:15 PM
Grand A/B
The HHS Office on Women’s Health (OWH) and the NIH National Eye Institute (NEI) serve as trusted sources of information, offering reliable, accurate health information for children and adolescents. That means developing digital assets and campaigns that are easily accessible and packaged in engaging and appealing ways. But how do you successfully develop these resources for children and adolescents? Get to know them. NEI and OWH: • Conducted thorough quantitative and qualitative research that engaged the audience as co-creators. • Used audience insights to choose appropriate frameworks, inform campaign strategies, and guide development. • Involved the audience in web-based research and creative design activities to identify what appeals to them. The purpose of this panel is to take an in-depth look at effective strategies for and lessons learned from developing health resources that resonate with children and adolescents. The following three panelists will discuss case studies that highlight this theme: 1. Know The Facts First: An Inside Look at an Audience-Driven Campaign for Teen STD Prevention. Speaker: Valerie Borden, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office on Women’s Health 2. Applying a 5-stage, Mobile-first Approach to Web Design to Reach Teen Girls. Speaker: Jennifer Bishop-Crawford, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office on Women’s Health 3. Opening Kids’ Eyes to Vision Health and Science: Developing an Eye Education Program for Kids. Speaker: Allison Hall-Jordan, Senior Account Executive, Hager Sharp

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