Build a Better Brand

Thursday, August 25, 2016: 8:00 AM-9:30 AM
Hanover C/D/E
A brand is a recognizable entity with its own personality, values and traits. It is an asset that provides stakeholder value, differentiation, and staying power that can enhance a number of health communication activities. In this panel session, several seasoned health communicators share experiences using an innovative cobranding strategy to improve campaign goals, flush out three digital branding case studies that leverage social networks to advance public health objectives, and detail an office rebranding activity that worked to build employee morale and contribute to improved satisfaction by providing verbal and visual branding elements to create a clear, consistent and compelling look and feel as well as messages to aid in defining and presenting work to a variety of stakeholders. This panel discussion will provide insights, experience, and guidance to help public health practitioners utilize branding strategically and effectively in their work. The presenters will discuss several recent branding efforts that improved communication efforts, share lessons learned in implementing or evolving a brand, including tips to improve your branding efforts, and report key findings from evaluations and partner input.

If Your Program Was a Color, What Color Would It be?
Ann Aikin, MA, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)

See more of: Panel