30318 Addressing HIV/STI Disparities Among MSM

Wednesday, March 14, 2012: 8:50 AM
Nicollet Grand Ballroom (Entire)
Gregorio Millett, MPH

In the United States, gay and bisexual men, particularly men who are also racial or ethnicity minorities, shoulder a disproportionate burden of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) including HIV.  Recent CDC HIV surveillance reports found no differences in risk behavior among men who have sex with men who seroconverted.  Similar data arise from studies that find that black MSM report comparable or fewer sexual risk behaviors than white MSM and yet are significantly more likely to test HIV-positive or to have another STD.  Biological, social and sexual network factors may place MSM, and particularly black MSM, at greater risk for HIV/STI compared with other populations. This presentation will focus on the challenges and opportunities for STD and HIV prevention among gay and bisexual men.