Concord/Lexington/Bunker Hill
Tuesday, December 6, 2005: 1:45 PM-2:45 PM

B2: B2 - Hepatitis Prevention Campaigns for Men Who Have Sex With Men

This session will highlight social marketing campaigns for MSM and discuss data from studies that may inform future marketing and intervention campaigns for MSM.
Learning Objectives: B. Identify specific intervention strategies that address the needs of individuals in high-risk groups including, but not limited to, infants born to HBsAg-positive mothers, clients engaged in injection drug use (IDU)/substance abuse, clients in STD/HIV clinics, men who have sex with men, homeless populations, and inmates in correctional settings. E. Identify and access communication, education, and training needs and available resources for viral hepatitis prevention and control; evaluate the effectiveness of education and training methods.

Moderator:Harold S. Levine
1:45 PMHepatitis Social Marketing Campaign in San Diego
Deborah S. Brown
2:05 PMHepatitis A and Hepatitis B Vaccination Campaign Preferences Among Men Who Have Sex With Men (MSM)
Rachele Peterson, Lisa Gilbert, Kelli Scanlon
2:25 PMHepatitis A and B vaccination perceptions among men who have sex with men (MSM)
Rachele Peterson, Lisa Gilbert, Kelli Scanlon

The 2005 National Viral Hepatitis Prevention Conference of CDC