Tuesday, 29 October 2002 - 3:30 PM

This presentation is part of C5: Grow: Parents and Provider Access

The Ultimate Power User of an Immunization Registry: Why Parents and Guardians Should Have Access to Their Data

Michael Popovich, Scientific Technologies Corp, 4400 E Broadway, Suite 705, Tucson, AZ, USA

Parent Access
Provider Benefits

As SIIS mature they must begin to emphasize a movement and focus from data collection to utilization. Therefore, it is essential that the records are complete and accurate. Existing strategies that have been implemented are not supplemented by the "real owner" of the data, the parent or the guardian. Recent focus parent focus groups have identified an increasing demand for access to these records. Immunization registry coordinators will soon face additional pressures to use data and to make it available to parents and guardians. HIPAA, current SIIS technology, private provider acceptance, and public health's sensitivity to opening these records to parents and guardians make this an exciting challenge.

This presentation will provide data from recent parent focus groups illustrating the increasing demand for access. Based upon these facts this presentation will outline a Strategic Concept for making available a SIIS to the parent/guardian. HIPPA, value to the private physician and value for public health will be addressed. A specific plan will be recommended for evaluation.

Focus group results and input from 6 statewide immunization projects will be used to define the needs for parent access to information. The recommendations will show how these needs can be met.

Benefits to parents/providers/public health for allowing access to parents.
Solutions to overcome the barriers that currently exist for this type of registry use.

SIIS data should be made available to parents/guardians. The benefits of which should be leveraged in recruitment marketing and PR campaigns. Immunization programs should leverage this capability to educate and develop specific efforts to target under immunized populations.

Provide vision for long term expasion of immunization registry into the public sector

Web Page: www.immunizationregistries.com

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