Data Warehousing, Sentinel Report, Immunization Registry, Quality Control
In 2002, we began preparing a Virgina Department of Health (VDH) Sentinel Report. Virginia did not qualify as a sentinel state for CDC due to the low percentage of public clients; however, we did develop our own quarterly sentinel report based on information from the CDC Registry Sentinel Site Report.
1. To allow the VDH Immunization program director to analyse data and make appropriate policy decisions/ recommendations.
2. To allow the 35 health directors to compare their district rates to the region and state.
3. To serve as a quality control tool to improve immunization rates in Virginia
A report form was designed after selection and customization of information from the CDC report. Immunization data were extracted using data warehousing and analyzed
The following data were reported:
1. CASA rates by district, region and state
2. Data entry time into the registry
3. Vaccine For Children eligibility rates
4. Vaccine doses administered by type and age
5. Vaccine series completion date
6. Vaccine exemption data
7. Individual vaccine rates by age
We have successfully developed a detailed quarterly sentinel report based on the CDC model using data warehousing techniques. Reports of 3 quarters of data analysis will be presented.
Participants will be able to:
1. describe the data warehousing process
2. identify several kinds of information that can be obtained from the registry
3. describe how the information is used in decision making
4. identify potential uses in their own state
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