Monday, 28 October 2002 - 1:00 PM

This presentation is part of A1: Grow: Provider Participation and Recruitment — Part I

The Recruitment Toolbox

Maureen K. Murphy1, Katie Reed1, Susan Maute1, and Tamsan Cleveland2. (1) Partners In Health Systems, PO Box 249, 5703 Enterprise Parkway, Dewitt, NY, USA, (2) Monroe County, 111 Westfall Road, Rochester, NY, USA

Registry Recruitment, Public and Private sector

The Finger Lakes Area Immunization Registry (FLAIR) covers an eleven county region. Counties include Monroe with a population of 716,072 and Schuyler, with a population of 19,125. In recruiting for this region the approaches need to be as varied as the populations themselves. FLAIR, like many other localities, had previously engaged in a registry initiative, which was unsuccessful. Therefore FLAIR needed to start the present recruitment efforts from before step one. In formulating the recruitment plan, the first priority was re-educating the region to the "new" Immunization Registry, in addition to being sensitive to the region in reassuring them that this was not going to fail. Once that was underway, current recruitment processes were implemented.

Model a sound recruitment process. This includes steps to be taken when following on the heels of an unsuccessful initiative. Further, illustrate that recruitment is an on going process.

FLAIR's recruitment plan had to address prior efforts as well as the who's, what's, where's, why's, when's, and how's of the new registry initiative. Our efforts encompassed the mechanical aspects (record keeping) up to and including installation. Recruitment is a process, which builds upon itself. The success of your efforts depends upon the foundation laid and adherence to a sound process.

The participants will have the tools necessary to launch a successful recruitment campaign.

Recruitment is a multi-faceted process that requires planning and follow through.

To learn a recruitment process that has been successful.

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