Monitoring Progress, WIC Linkage, Integration, Population Assessments, MMIS Linkage, Accreditation
Michigan has been tracking population based immunization levels by county since March 2001. From March to May of 2002, the registry completion rate has increased 11% with some county levels as high as 85%. The registry also interfaces with WIC database and the MMIS system to produce coverage level reports by WIC clinic and by Medicaid managed care plan.
Providing feedback to users on immunization levels fosters competition which increase immunization levels. Being willing to share data with users to target outreach and HEDIS reporting has promoted higher participation.
Profile reports are distributed to local health departments every other month. Michigan requires that a local health department meet a 50% 4:3:1:3:3:1 level in for county to pass accreditation. Michigan is just beginning to distribute Profile reports to all WIC clinics on a monthly basis. An extraction routine in the MCIR allows Managed Care Organizations to pull data out of the registry to supplement HEDIS reports.
Immunization levels have increased 11% for just over 1 year for the 4:3:1:3:3 series and continue to increase at a rate of 1-2% each month. Managed Care have found that HEDIS numbers are much higher than reported the prior yearr even before doing chart reviews resulting in higher reported levels and decreased costs.
Allowing users access to registry data either specific to a child or population profiles encourages more use of the registry.
Participants will learn that feeding data back to registry users provides more value to the registry as perceived by the user and therefore increases the utility of the registry and therefore participation increases along with registry levels.
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