Immunization registry, registry use
Hennepin County, including the Minneapolis area, enjoys a substantial amount of diversity in terms of culture, urban/suburban, race, immigrant population, language, and income levels within a large metro area. As a Metro Registry, ImmuLink has immunization data from nearly 100 clinics and schools. Using this data in combination with demographic information and assessment software, interesting patterns emerge which can lead to targeting strategies.
To demonstrate how to identify pockets of under-immunization in a large metro area in order to target immunization programs.
Utilize the ImmuLink Registry, GIS, the CASA application software tool, and population demographics to perform analyses for identifying patterns of high-risk areas and population subgroups.
While immunization rates have been increasing, there continue to be certain factors and characteristics that impact portions of the population.
We cannot be content with seeing an overall increase in immunization rates or with a relatively high average immunization rate in a metro area. In order to help protect children and the rest of the population from vaccine-preventable diseases, we must identify and target those who continue to be most at risk.
To demonstrate various analytical methods to identify under-immunized groups.
Handout (.ppt format, 599.0 kb)
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