recruitment, marketing, providers
In 2000 after seven years of operation, CHILD Profile, Washington State's Immunization Registry and Health Promotion System, continued to face slow adoption by the private health care community. Lack of data in the system was a major barrier to provider participation. Our focus shifted to populating the registry through claims data. Now, two years later, the number of children under 6 years with immunization data has grown significantly. However, even with this increase, only about 11% have complete histories. In order to meet our goal of having 95% of immunization histories in the registry by 2006, greater participation of private providers will be critical.
To develop a detailed, written private provider recruitment plan for reaching Washington State's goal of 95% of children under six with complete histories in the registry by 2006.
We used the services of an outside consultant, with expertise in marketing analysis and the health care community, to develop a detailed action plan. The plan, to be completed by August 2002, includes evaluation of past recruitment efforts, definition of recruitment objectives for each of the next 4 years, timeline, strategies, and tools, as well as recommendations for how to implement the plan.
By October 2002, we will be able to report on the key elements of the recruitment plan, as well as our success in beginning to implement the plan.
A recruitment plan, tailored to the local environment and reflective of past registry experiences, is essential to reach our goal of populating the registry.
Learning Objectives:
Participants will be able to describe:
1) Key steps in the process of developing a recruitment plan
2) Three strategies to recruit providers
Handout (.ppt format, 1439.0 kb)
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