Tuesday, 29 October 2002 - 4:00 PM

This presentation is part of C1: Grow: Education and Marketing

Assessment-driven marketing initiatives; A case study in the development of the Houston City immunizationb marketing plan

Nancy Heineke, Scientific Technologies Corporation, 4400 E. Broadway, Suite 705, Tucson, Arizona, USA and Michelle Bonjour, Scientific Technologies Corp, 25399 The Old Road #19-105, Stevenson Ranch, CA, USA.

Assessment, Parental Influences, Immunization Beliefs

STC in partnership with Houston Department of Health and Human Services implemented a city-wide assessemtn of factore simpacting immunization coverage rates. The assessment focused on parental knowledge, attitude and beliefs regarding immunizations as reported by Houston's four major racial/ethnic groups (African American, Asian, Hispanic and Caucasian). STC's assessment process served as a catalyst to an innovative marketing plan. Atypical findings served as distinct directions for HDHHS immunization-promotion strategies.

Presentation will outline the assessment process implemented and discuss the marketing plan which evolved from the research findings.

Presentation will be followed by question and answer; with power point and accompanying handouts.


"Cookie-cutter" approaces serve as a model to save time and money when developing marketing strategies, but they also serve as a source of frustration when the project's environment doesn't end up fitting. Assessment findings reveal sucessful marketing answers.

Participants will be able to identify elements of an assessment-driven marketing plan.

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