Practice coverage rates; immunization registry
Chart audits are the gold standard for assessing practice coverage but are time and labor intensive. Immunization registries offer the potential for reliable and timely assessments.
To simulate practice immunization chart audits using an immunization registry.
Two years after registry rollout, we conducted registry-based immunization coverage assessments for October 2001 and April 2002 at 5 practices serving a low-income, minority community in New York City. Children were eligible for inclusion if they had at least one visit to the practice. We compared two assessment methods: universal (100%) (n=16073) vs. random sample using standard CASA audit sample procedures (n=3438). The outcome assessed was age-appropriate immunization rates for DTaP, Polio, MMR, Hib, and HepB (4:3:1:3:3) for 6-35 month olds.
82% of the cases had at least one immunization recorded in the registry. The coverage rate difference between universal and CASA sampling ranged from 0.6% to 2.7% for Oct 2001 and from 1.4% to 2.9% for Apr 2002. The difference in coverage rate was smallest for children 6-11 months of age.
When using immunization registries for practice coverage assessments, random sampling using CASA methodologies yields comparable results to universal sampling.
Sample methodology for registry-based assessments
Handout (.ppt format, 131.0 kb)
Handout (.ppt format, 113.0 kb)
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