Monday, 28 October 2002 - 1:30 PM

This presentation is part of A9: Connect: Partnerships

Successful Public/Private Partnerships for Registry Development

Robert Grenwelge, Immunization Bureau, HDHHS, 8000 N. Stadium Drive, Houston, TX, USA and Julie A Boom, Academic General Pediatrics, Baylor College of Medicine, 1 Baylor Plaza, Houston, TX, USA.

Public/Private Partnerships

A Public/Private Partnership involving the Texas Children's Hospital (TCH), the Houston Department of Health & Human Services (HDHHS), Harris County Public Health & Environmental Services (HCPHES) and the Harris County Hospital District (HCHD) have worked collaboratively for seven years to develop, pilot, assess and now implement an immunization registry for the greater Houston-Harris County region. This local, public health registry, the Houston-Harris County Immunization Registry (HHCIR) was designed as a sub-set of the statewide registry, ImmTrac. The public/private collaboration has been evident in all phases of development, beta testing, protocol development, policy development and is now being used for community wide implementation and rollout. This collaboration has also been instrumental in developing new sources of funding to maintain operational growth and funding security.

Participants will identify appropriate roles for both public and private partnerships

PowerPoint presentations with handouts

The Houston-Harris County Immunization Registry has successfully developed in a Public/Private environment.

Public/Private partnerships require tremendous effort to organize and maintain, but the benefits are worth the effort.

pitfalls of Public/Private partnerships
benefits of Public/Private partnerships
developing sound organizational infrastructure

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