Monday, October 27, 2003 - 4:15 PM

This presentation is part of B9: Improving Registry Data Quality Through Provider Chart Audits

Using Registries and AFIX for Continuing Quality Data

Stephanie J Sanchez and Barbara Day. Bureau of Epidemiology, Immunization, Michigan Dept of Community Health, PO Box 30195, 3423 N MLKing Blvd Rm #316, Lansing, MI, USA

AFIX, Data Quality, CASA, Registry Integration

Michigan conducts annual AFIX visits at private provider offices. In 2002, Michigan adopted a Quality Data Comparison (QDC) process as part of AFIX to give providers a more comprehensive analysis of their immunization practices. The QDC process identifies immunization dates that are recorded in the patient’s chart and not in the registry and identifies dates in the registry that are not in the chart.

Describe results of the use of registries in collaboration with AFIX.

The QDC compares dose dates abstracted from the patient’s chart with those recorded in the Michigan registry (MCIR)
a. Add dose dates not in the registry
b. Print registry immunization record identifying vaccine dates not abstracted from the patient’s chart.
c. Remove duplicate dose dates from the registry.
d. Identify discrepancies with the registry and the abstracted data from the patient’s chart.
e. Update CASA with the additional dose dates found in the registry.
f. Generate reports
g. Compile all clarified and enhanced data into a comprehensive report.

In 2002, the QDC resulted in the addition of 22,000 dose dates to the registry and identified 18,000 in the registry that were not identified in the patient’s chart at the provider office. Demonstrates to the provider the necessity of accessing the registry to get a complete and accurate immunization status for their patients.

The QDC gives the provider a complete analysis of the immunization history of patients. Immunization coverage levels increased from 15%– 45% with the completion of the QDC.

Participants will be able to describe the QDC methodology and show how collaboration between AFIX and registries benefit providers.

Handout (.ppt format, 290.0 kb)

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