Tuesday, October 28, 2003 - 2:30 PM

This presentation is part of C6: Episode I: The Range of Registry Roles in Pre-Event Vaccination for Smallpox

NYS Smallpox PVS: Why It's Not Part of the Registry

Michael K. Flynn, Immunization Program, Immunization Program, New York State Dept Of Health, Rm 678 Corning Tower, Empire State Plaza, Albany, NY, USA

immunization registry, smallpox, pre-event vaccination system

Last year at the registry conference, projects heard about a possible program of vaccinating people against smallpox and how projects should make it part of the their registries. Since the conference things moved faster than anticipated; “Phase One” began, CDC developed their own forms and systems to record data and separate forms and systems were developed for adverse event reports. Different programs within CDC requested different requirements.

Share with other projects NYS’ experience. Explain why the decision was made to not use the NYS registry to capture the information for the CDC Pre-event Vaccination System (PVS). Discuss how NYS’ development of an independent PVS and the difficulty responding to changes made to the federal reporting requirements

Direct experience.

Although NYS was not able to use the existing registry for PVS, we were able to quickly develop an independent application to meet state and federal requirements.

Based on the experience gained from phase one, modification could be made to the NYS registry so it could be an option for future smallpox vaccination.


Handout (.ppt format, 110.0 kb)

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Back to The 2003 Immunization Registry Conference (October 27-29, 2003)