Monday, October 27, 2003 - 2:15 PM

This presentation is part of A4: Immunization Registries as Tools for Vaccination Coverage Assessment

Registry Data Analysis

Thomas R. Maerz, Wisconsin Immunization Registry, Wisconsin Department of Health and Family Services, 1 West Wilson State Office Building, Room 318, Madison, WI, USA and Robert Savage, EDS, Suite 200, 10 E. Doty, Madison, WI, USA.

Registy Data Analysis,Immunization level assessment, Data Mart

The Wisconsin Immunization Registry (WIR) is a population based registry accessed via the internet, storing birth to death immunization information for Wisconsin residents. The WIR has incorporated the CDC/ACIP harmonized immunization schedule into a sophisticated, table driven tool, which validates immunization histories and forecasts future immunization needs. The WIR data base has some 3 million clients with 18 million associated immunizations being accessed by one thousand users throughout the working day. The high activity on the WIR database prompted the need for a secondary data storage or a data mart, for aggregate data analysis. The data mart utilizes the validation algorithms to set the validity of each immunization.

Evaluate immunization rate outcome measures using two differing methodologies.

Utilizing the WIR's data mart for analysis on a select group of 30,000 3 year old Medicaid clients. Two differing approaches were used to determine a client's immunization status. One uses the traditional approach of 43133 status, which describes a client as up-to-date if they received 4 DTaP, 3 Polio, 1 MMR, 3 Hib and 3 HepB by age 3. The other approach was to use WIR's tracking schedule to validate that the client received the 43133 vaccinations at a appropriate age and that proper intervals were observed. Validity includes a 4 day grace period where appropriate.

When immunization validity is taken into account the percent of clients who completed the 43133 dropped 4% from 52% to 48%.

It is meaningful to consider validity of immunizations when evaluating immunization levels. Registries allow for more accurate assessments of immunization levels. With out a data mart this type of analysis would have been very difficult to gather and the data mart opens the door for many other such studies.

Benefits of creating a secondary data mart. Factors to consider when choosing an outcome measure for immunization rates.

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