Tuesday, October 28, 2003 - 2:00 PM

This presentation is part of C7: Facing and Surviving Changes in Your Environment

Registry Evolution: Lessons Learned

Alisa L. Johnson, Immunization Services, Immunization Services, Hennepin County Community Health, 525 Portland Avenue South, MC-L963, Minneapolis, USA

participants, communication, change

ImmuLink, the Twin Cities Metro Regional Immunization Registry, was launched in 1995. It now consolidates approximately 800,000 records and 5.5 million immunizations. Providers electronically submit immunization batch data or directly enter data into the registry. Over eight years, ImmuLink has had to evolve to the needs of the community and changes in technology.

Share lessons learned in maintaining a registry and responding to community need.
Provide strategies for identifying and addressing opportunities for change.

ImmuLink was developed in response to community need. Over time, various surveys, focus groups, technology changes and participant communications have indicated the importance of and opportunity for ImmuLink to respond to changes in the community. Policies, procedures, and functions were adapted.

Initial and ongoing communication identified how participants actually use the registry and why. We identified what features and functions are considered useful by our users. We learned how to recruit and support various types of organizations. We discovered issues in various immunizations, combinations, algorithms and the corresponding technologies available to address oftentimes unforeseen outcomes. We learned the importance of having and enforcing policies, while maintaining fluidity.

ImmuLink has worked diligently to meet the needs its community. In some instances, “If you build it, they will come” rang true. In others, we learned that the registry is only as useful as it is useable… and what we thought was useful was not used. The overall lesson is that to be viable, a registry must be receptive to change, listen to its participants and provide the options necessary to actively incorporate the registry into their daily work.

Participants will receive information about registry evolution and adaptation.
Participants will be able to identify what their sites need in order to utilize the registry and to implement necessary changes.

Web Page: www.co.hennepin.mn.us/commhlth/immulink/welcome.html

Handout (.ppt format, 154.0 kb)

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