Tuesday, October 28, 2003 - 2:00 PM

This presentation is part of C5: The Indian Health Service HL7 Data Exchange Project: Lessons Learned

Connecting the Indian Health Service Immunization Information System with the Arizona State Immunization Information System: Lessons Learned

Michael Conklin, Arizona State Immunization Information System (ASIIS), Arizona Department of Health Services, Phoenix, AZ, USA, Tom Love, Cimarron, Tucson, AZ, USA, and Amy V Groom, IHS National Epi Program, Indian Health Service/CDC, 5300 Homestead RD. NE, Albuquerque, NM, USA.

Indian Health Service, Data Exchange, ASIIS

The Indian Health Service (IHS) and many tribal facilities use an immunization information system called the Resource and Patient Management System (RPMS) Immunization Package to collect and track immunization data. In order to capture IHS and Tribal immunization data, the Arizona Statewide Immunization Information System (ASIIS) collaborated with IHS to develop a method for data exchange between the RPMS system and ASIIS.

To develop HL7-compliant automatic data exchange between the IHS RPMS Immunization package and ASIIS.

ASIIS staff will discuss progress in the IHS/ASIIS data exchange project to date, identify challenges and strategies to overcome these challenges, and lessons learned.

Progress in establishing data exchange between ASIIS and the IHS’s RPMS system continues to be made. Challenges encountered by ASIIS staff and the participating IHS/Tribal sites participating in this project include garnering political support for the process, providing technical support at both the IHS/Tribal sites and ASIIS to develop and implement the data exchange, and ensuring data quality. Strategies used to overcome these challenges will be discussed.

Connecting other immunization information systems with state immunization registries is an important step towards ensuring complete participation in state immunization registries. The lessons learned by ASIIS staff through the data exchange project with IHS’s RPMS system are applicable to other types of data exchange that may occur between state registries and other immunization information systems.

1. Understand status of data exchange between IHS/tribes and ASIIS
2. Understand challenges in and strategies for connecting other immunization information systems with state immunization registries

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