Tuesday, October 28, 2003 - 2:45 PM

This presentation is part of C3: Registry Certification: Fact or Fiction

Immunization Registry Certification - In Process

Joe Nay, Division of Data Management, Division of Data Management, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1600 Clifton Road, Mailstop E-62, Atlanta, GA, USA

TWG, Certification, Functional Standards

In January of 1999, NVAC recommended the formation of a Technical Working Group (TWG). The goals of this group would be to: a) Reach agreement on standard vocabularies and protocols for data transfer. b) Develop benchmarks and protocols for accreditation or certification. c) Provide ongoing quality assurance monitoring, and d) Work with vendors to facilitate the integration of registry functions into existing information systems.

To show the results from the TWG pilot sites for certification and to relay the lessons learned to others preparing for certification.

The TWG developed certification minimum criteria for each of the twelve functional standards an immunization registry must meet. Three sites were selected for the pilot testing of the certification criteria. These sites were each visited by two to three members of the TWG to conduct the certification visit. Some of the testing was conducted off site.

While all three sites did very well on the certification process, none of them passed all aspects of the certification, this was not unexpected. All three registries were aware of their challenges and consented to help examine the process of certification. The results have been reviewed and the format and process of certification is being refined by the TWG.

Registry certification is an important goal NIP and registry stakeholders. Preparing registries to become “certification ready” is one of the primary purposes of the TWG. By refining the process of certification others can be helped to avoid barriers and create quality registries across the country.

To learn for the experience of others how to prepare for registry certification.

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