Ballroom E (Crowne Plaza Ravinia)
Monday, October 27, 2003: 3:30 PM-5:00 PM

B3: Partnering Schools With Immunization Registries: Getting Started, Lessons Learned, and the Benefits

This session will examine the ways that Registries can partner with schools. Three case studies demonstrate the benefits of these partnerships.
Learning Objectives: Describe how registries can partner with schools and the benefits of this partnership.

Moderator:Dontanette Cohill
3:30 PM Introductory Remarks
3:50 PM Discussant: Rosie McLaren
4:10 PM Discussant: Nancy Pare
4:30 PM Discussant: Mark Ritter

The 2003 Immunization Registry Conference (October 27-29, 2003) of CDC