Tuesday, October 19, 2004 - 10:55 AM
Registry Training Standards of Excellence: A New Direction for PROW?
Tammy Pilisuk, Immunization Branch, CA Dept. of Health Services, 2151 Berkeley Way, Rm. 712, Berkeley, CA, USA and Letty D. Cherry, Immunization Registry Program, Riverside County Department of Public Health, 10370 Hemet Street, Ste 300, Riverside, CA, USA.
California has a network of nine regional immunization registries comprising the state. Registry development and implementation vary in different regions. Regional registries are responsible for recruiting, enrolling and training providers to use the registry. This effort to build PROW-type standards of excellence follows the creation of a "training framework" (curriculum) and train-the-trainer course developed in 2003 to establish training content standards and build competency and consistency in how medical office trainings are conducted in all regions across the state.
Generic standards of excellence for registry provider office training have been developed. These standards are applicable to all immunization registries and might be considered as an adjunct to the established PROW standards. Training is an essential part of registry implementation, and standards are needed to ensure that the registry is used properly and to its full advantage.
A Committee of regional registry representatives from across the state worked over the course of the year to identify and extract key recruitment and training components from California's Training Framework. The components were listed, sorted and summarized to create standards of excellence, using the PROW format of levels I, II, and III.
The Committee produced a document proposing four new standards of excellence relating to training: provider recruitment, training preparation, hands-on registry software training, and post-training follow-up/ongoing support.
There is a compelling case to be made for establishing standards that elevate the quality, consistency and comprehensiveness of registry training. The proposed standards of excellence for training provide an opportunity explore the possibility of promoting excellence in training for all immunization registries in a national forum.
Participants will learn about California's experience in establishing training standards, based on regional best practices. The proposed training standards of excellence will be presented and participants will be invited to provide input.
Web Page: www.ca-siis.org/marketing.html
Recorded presentation
See more of PROW: Lessons Learned from Strategic Approaches
See more of The 2004 Immunization Registry Conference