Tuesday, October 19, 2004 - 10:55 AM
Partnering with Schools and Universities in Georgia
Thomas Moss, DHR/DPH/Immunization Program, DHR/DPH/Immunization Program, State of Georgia, 2 Peachtree Street NW, MS 13-476, Atlanta, GA, USA
The State of Georgia requires proof of immunization prior to entering school at the kindegarden, 6th grade, and Freshman in College.
Create ability for authorized personnel at the schools and universities to access and produce evidence of immunization for students entering their respective systems.
Data is gathered by daily input from immunization providers to the registry along with the schools and universities providing evidence of registration into the system prior to being able to generate proof of immunizations.
Time savings at provider and school institutions. Reduced frustration to parents, students, and provider facilities. Reduction in school rush situations.
By allowing controlled access to schools and universities the citizens of the State of Georgia were better served by the registry.
Introduce methods by which to accomplish the objectives of the provider, schools, and universities.
Recorded presentation
See more of Methods of Providing School Access to Immunization Registries
See more of The 2004 Immunization Registry Conference