Tuesday, October 19, 2004 - 2:15 PM
Incorporating queueing into your registy will create a feature-rich application that can inspire your user base
Kevin T Garnett, Crystal Lightning, LLC, 16817 Thorngate Rd, East Lansing, MI, USA
The Michigan Childhood Immunization Registry is a web based and robust system that currently stores 2.8 million child records and over 36 million immunization encounters. The system meets or exceeds all but a few of the CDC minimum registry criteria. The purpose of the Michigan Childhood Immunization Registry (MCIR) is to protect communities from vaccine preventable diseases and to assure that all children in Michigan are appropriately immunized with the most efficient use of program resources. Michgan currently has over 2000 provider offices, all public health agencies, and 15 health care systems submitting data to the registry.
To demonstrate how Java's JMS queueing has been designed into the registry and all the enhanced features that have been added to the registry because of this queueing feature.
Michigan Department of Community Health requested a Batch Reporting feature that would allow providers to access multiple children records at one time. In order to produce the reporting capability, the development team had to incorporate a queueing mechanism in the registry that could handle large report requests.
MCIR development team added Java's JMS queueing to the MCIR. By addding this feature MCIR can now generate scheduled reports such as Batch Reporting of Official Immunization Records, generate immunization profiles at the State and county level, transfer data electronically over the web from the clinic settings, and allow providers to generate their own reminder recall letters.
The queueing feature allows the end user to generate long running reports and process large data transfers without timing out due to inactivity. This feature also enables the user to check the status of a report/transfer. The system can determine which jobs should run to balance the load of the system.
Participants will learn the benefits of adding Java JMS queueing capablities to a registry.
Recorded presentation
See more of Technical Challenges and Innovations Relating to Immunization Information Systems
See more of The 2004 Immunization Registry Conference