Tuesday, October 19, 2004 - 2:15 PM
Using Children's Hospitals to lead area recruitment
Kent Ware, Ohio Immunization Program, 35 E Chestnut ST, Columbus, OH, USA and Mark Sulzmann.
The Ohio Department of Heath Immunization program received federal money to assist with registry marketing and recruitment. ODH and 4 contractual recruiters looked at using a major Ohio children's hospital to aid in private practice recruitment efforts.
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center was the first hospital to implement Ohio's registry. Since implementation ODH allowed Children's to be a test bed for improvements and enhancements and actively involved them in registry development. As the largest provider of pediatric care in a tri-state area andthe nations 5th largest children's hospital, they could bring their experience and influence to bear in recruitment efforts in the Greater Cincinnati area and surrounding counties.
A series of 4 Grand Rounds presentations by the chief of pediatric medicine highly encouraged registry use while statistics supporting improved immunization rates and algorithm accuracy were given. ODH and recruiters were present at all 4 rounds to answer questions and recruit participants. All information on recruiting efforts and results were documented in a Contact Management Database (CMS)
Results of Grand Rounds for the Cincinnati area was 83 total cotacts resulting in 35 demostrations and trainings with a net result of 24 (69%) full time active users. Contiguous counties of Butler and Warren resulted in contacts but much at a much smaller percentage
This relationship was labor intensive, yet worth the effort. Incorporating a large children's hospital with community ties and strong influence aids recruitment efforts in the area while having statewide recruitment implications. Children's hospitals are often where the provider looks for the latest information on medical care in the community.
Recognize the value of working with children's hospitals to recruit. Recognize the importance of allowing hospital to take an active role in registry enhancements. Recognize value of a contact management database
See more of Customer Satisfaction: Enhancements that Impact Provider Recruitment
See more of The 2004 Immunization Registry Conference