Monday, October 18, 2004 - 3:35 PM
Georgia's Team Approach to Project Management
Thomas Moss, DHR/DPH/Immunization Program, DHR/DPH/Immunization Program, State of Georgia, 2 Peachtree Street NW, MS 13-476, Atlanta, GA, USA
Georgia has completed the initial design, development, and deployment of their Immunization Registry as of May 2004 and has successfully implemented a team approach to project management.
The objective of this presentation is to provide concepts, structure, lessons learned, and future considerations when implementing a registry using a team project management approach.
The data has been collected using database tools and evaluated on an agreed upon schedule, usually weekly or monthly.
The results prove that by using a team project management approach, the various aspects of managing the implementation of a registry are accomplished and documented.
Data points to the benefits of the team approach to implemenation of registries.
Skill types needed for team project management.
Environment needed for team project management.
Tools needed for team project management.
Benefits of team project managemetn.
Recorded presentation
See more of Strategies to Enhance Project Management in a Dynamic Environment
See more of The 2004 Immunization Registry Conference