Monday, October 18, 2004 - 10:55 AM
Partners, Where and Why
Thomas Moss, DHR/DPH/Immunization Program, DHR/DPH/Immunization Program, State of Georgia, 2 Peachtree Street NW, MS 13-476, Atlanta, GA, USA
The State of Georgia Immunization Registry created numerous partnerships durign the process of deploying the registry.
To share with others organizations that can assist in the deployment of the registry, What they bring to the partnership, where in the deployment process these organizations can be used as a resource, and why these organizations benefit from the partnership.
The data was collected through meetings, follow up conferences, and database tracking of progress.
Organizations such as Vaccine Manaufacturers, PTAs and schools, Social and religious coalitions, Industry Users Groups, and other non-profit organizations add to and benefit from a partnership with the immunization registry when that partnership is executed at the appropriate time.
Registries need partnerships with a wide range of interest groups and organizations to achieve the highest level of effectiveness.
Which organizations make good partners.
What do the types of organizations bring to the partnership.
When/How/Where should you use the organizations.
Lessons Learned from mistakes of using the wrong organzation at the right time or the right organization at the wrong time.
Recorded presentation
See more of Successful Collaborations with Registry Partners — Part 1
See more of The 2004 Immunization Registry Conference