Tuesday, October 19, 2004 - 11:15 AM
Immunization Program Assessment- Developing a Strategic Technology Plan
Ken Larsen, HLN Consulting, LLC, 7072 Santa Fe Canyon Place, San Diego, CA, USA and Susan Shepardson.
The Rhode Island Childhood Immunization Program utilizes a variety of systems to meet program needs, including registry and reminder/recall functions, vaccine accountability, provider accountability, outreach, VFC enrollment, and coverage analysis. The systems that provide these functions, particularly KIDSNET and VACMAN, are fairly disparate and not well integrated.
Provide technical alternatives and determine the most effective strategy to synchronize systems across the Immunization Program and KIDSNET. The strategic goals include improving program efficiency, reducing redundant data entry, providing quality data, enhancing vaccine accountability, and simplifying VFC enrollment while continuing to meet CDC and program needs.
Consultants were engaged to provide technical options and to recommend a strategy. Initial site visits consisted of in-depth discussions with the staff to document and examine current information flows and operational procedures. A strategic options document was generated, and an incremental approach was selected.
The decision to pursue VACMAN/KIDSNET interoperability versus incorporating VACMAN functionality into KIDSNET was a key challenge, particularly given the existence of initiatives in both areas in other jurisdictions. The selected strategy takes an incremental approach flexible enough to accommodate parts of both options. This plan provides important short-term benefits while building a solid foundation for future improvements.
Strategic planning is necessary to reduce bottlenecks, streamline operations, and improve the quality and accessibility to pertinent information -- to accomplish "more with less".
To identify and improve the operational and systematic inefficiencies which inhibit Immunization Programs from providing the best services to its constituents.
Recorded presentation
See more of PROW: Lessons Learned from Strategic Approaches
See more of The 2004 Immunization Registry Conference