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Managing Patients in an Opt-Out Registry
Shannon Coleman, Scientific Technologies Corporation, 4400 E. Broadway, Suite 705, Tucson, USA and Delaine Sans, Immunization Program, Inidiana State Department of Health, 2 N. Meridian St, Indianapolis, IN, USA.
The opt-out module was designed for Indiana in order to allow patients to opt-out only 1 time regardless of medical home. This was based on the legislative needs to track patients who have opted out of the registry while staying true to the legislation which required patients be removed completely from the registry.
Allow patients to opt-out the registry only one time regardless of medical home. Create ability for patients to opt back into the registry. Maintain complete vaccination record for purposes of vaccine accountability and casa reporting on all patients.
Created the Opt Out Module which provides the ability for the registry to track persons who have opted out of the registry without maintaining identifying information within the Central Registry. Consists of:
(1) “Opt-Out” functionality consisting of:
a. The ability to add anonymous patients for the purposes of Tracking Vaccine Inventory and conducting Accurate CASA Assessments
b. The ability for Administrative Level access to opt a person out of the registry
c. The ability for Administrative Level access to opt a person back into the registry
(2) An opt-out database
a. This database provides a holding place outside of the Central Registry where identifying patient information for those patients who have opted-out of the registry to be held. Collecting these records will benefit the registry in that, all imported records (via the DTT) will first check this opt-out database to ensure that patients who have opted-out, will not get re-entered.
Creation of an opt-out database to manage records that have opted out of the registry.
This solution provided all the features that Indiana needed in order to comply with legislation while not compromising any of their outreach and data tracking objectives.
Managing patients who opt out of the registry
Working with legislation
See more of Posters
See more of The 2004 Immunization Registry Conference