Monday, October 18, 2004 - 4:10 PM
Private Sector Involvement in Registry Development through a Registry User Group
Carolyn Sue Moneymaker1, Archer Redmond2, Patricia Christian, and James Farrell. (1) General Pediatrics, Children's Hospital of The King's Daughters, 601 Children's Lane, Norfolk, VA, USA, (2) Division of Immunization, Virginia Department of Health, 1500 East Main St, Room 120, Richmond, VA, USA
Virginia maintains a public sector registry. A Registry User Group (RUG) was established to market the registry to private providers. The RUG's purpose was to modify the system for the private sector.
To demonstrate the benefits of a public-private partnership in the development of a state registry.
A public-private partnership between VDH and the Virginia Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics (VAAP) was formed.A request for volunteers to serve on the RUG was placed in the chapter newsletter. Orientation meetings were facilitated by VDH. After a demonstration of the current registry, the participants were asked for sofware evaluations and potential registry acceptability in the private sector. Subsequent communications were conducted by group emails.
The RUG (n=28) included private providers throughout the state. The feedback contributed to modifications of the registry's functional document. The VAAP conducted surveys to guide VHD's private registry development. RUG members continued involvement by providing additional feedback, piloting the public sector registry, initiating dialogue with the Virginia Health Insurers and supporting registry legislation.
Public-private collaboration promotes state registry development. Recruitment of RUG's through an organization such as the state AAP achieves heightened private sector participation and acceptance.
Physician organizations are suppportive of public-private partnerships with health departments.
The Registry User Group (RUG)concept encourages private provider acceptance and promotes universal utilization.
See more of A Time to Listen: Providers' Perspectives on Immunization Registries
See more of The 2004 Immunization Registry Conference