Wednesday, October 20, 2004 - 9:15 AM
School and Registry Partnerships
Dontanette Cohill, Immunization Registry Support Branch, Immunization Registry Support Branch, CDC/NIP, 1600 Clifton Road NE MS/E62, Atlanta, GA, USA
Immunization registries are a vital link in helping to attain the Healthy People 2010 immunization coverage goals. Potentially, school and registry partnerships could serve to increase immunization coverage rates, especially for schools with school-based clinics that deliver immunizations. Of the sixty four 317 Immunization Registry Grantees, only 23 had developed some type of partnership with schools in 2002.
To describe successful strategies that other registries are using to partner with schools as well as potential barriers to such partnerships. This information will provide guidance for every level of registry development (citywide, statewide, and territorial).
In August 2003, the Immunization Registry Support Branch conducted a follow-up survey of state registries that reported sharing data with schools or daycare facilities on the 2002 Immunization Registry Annual Report (IRAR). In July 2004, a second follow-up survey was conducted gathering information from state registries that reported not sharing data with schools on the 2003 IRAR to ascertain existing barriers.
In the findings from the 2003 survey, 23 (36%) immunization registry grantees sharing immunization data with schools, but only 6 of them have developed marketing strategies to actively recruit schools. Although the remaining 17 grantees do not have a formal documented marketing plan, they have recognized the value in time savings, complete records and other assets. Data from the 2004 survey are anticipated in mid August and will be included in this presentation.
The surveys reveal successful strategies and techniques used to develop school partnerships, as well as existing barriers that impede partnership development. These marketing strategies have also been proven to be helpful in increasing immunization cover rates from preschoolers through high school aged children.
Provide registry developers with current methods that are being used in school partnerships.
Recorded presentation
See more of Laws and Avenues of Sharing Immunization Data
See more of The 2004 Immunization Registry Conference