Tuesday, October 19, 2004 - 10:55 AM
Using an Immunization Registry to Assist with Conducting CASA Assessments
Christine Ann Perfili and Chris G. Pratt. Center for Health Data - USIIS Program, Utah Department of Health, PO Box 142001, Salt Lake City, UT, USA
The Utah Statewide Immunization Information System (USIIS) participated in a USIIS/VFC study with CDC. One component of the study looked at AFIX-CASA and how the registry can support CASA assessments. As USIIS staff began computer coding for the CASA's to be done electronically, questions arose as to what an “active patient” and “patient visit” are. These definitions and other parameters were finally determined so that CASA assessments could be conducted using data from the registry.
Provide an overview of factors/issues that need to be resolved prior to programming a registry to support AFIX-CASA. Describe how a registry can support CASA's.
USIIS staff determined definitions for “active patient” and “patient visit”. Twenty-six clinics that submit data to USIIS were selected for CASA assessments with the new electronic process. Files were created for the Immunization Program staff to import into CASA. USIIS staff analyzed CASA rates of the 26 clinics and several others using different patient definitions. CDC analyzed cost savings and CASA rates of clinics conducted manually with those done electronically.
CASA rates for clinics increased depending on what definition of “active patient” and “patient visit” was used. Conducting CASA's using data from the registry saves time and potentially money. CASA rates from USIIS when compared to the same clinics done manually were varied.
When programming a registry to support CASA assessments, "patient" definitions need to be carefully reviewed. The electronic method for conducting CASA's should closely mimic the manual process. It's important to examine all definitions and understand their biases. Accuracy of CASA rates when using a registry are dependent upon the types of definitions used, and the quality and quantity of data in the registry.
Understand the issues involved with defining “active patient” and “patient visit” in programming a registry to support AFIX-CASA. Describe the value of conducting CASA assessments using data from the registry.
Recorded presentation
See more of Using Immunization Registries for CASA Assessments and to Improve VFC Accountability
See more of The 2004 Immunization Registry Conference