Tuesday, October 19, 2004 - 10:35 AM
Importing Newborn Data into a Registry using an HL7 Connection Bridge
Quan Le1, Mike Garcia2, and Nathan Bunker2. (1) Immunization Program, Louisiana Department of Health, 4747 Earhart Blvd, Suite 107, New Orleans, LA, USA, (2) Scientific Technologies Corporation, 67 E. Weldon, Suite 110, Phoenix, USA
Louisiana’s statewide immunization registry, The Louisiana Immunization Network for Kids Statewide (LINKS) has been in operation since Jan 2001. Integration efforts using different export standards to include HL7 have been piloted and put into operation. One key integration effort is using a real-time interface with a large urban hospital in New Orleans (MCLNO) to send newborn demographic information
Allow hospital staff to see newborn demographic information in LINKS within two hours of entering it into their hospital system. This short timeframe was required because newborns are given their first shot on their first or second day.
Integrate LINKS into the existing MCLNO HL7 messaging network. Change LINKS to accept and understand hospital specific HL7 messages.
A software bridge was designed to provide a secure connection allowing MCLNO staff to see newborn demographic information in LINKS within minutes of entering it into their hospital system.
Integration with any high volume immunization provider is always a significant event - however using the HL7 standard in a real-time manner with a hospital that is making the data available throughout its clinical operations was a major effort and success. This environment and project can and will be replicated in many state registries. The lessons learned in this project may assist other states in these actions.
Participants will learn about HL7 message networks within hospitals and how they can be integrated with a state registry. They will understand the transport security issues and the general structure of HL7 messages sent by hospitals.
Recorded presentation
See more of Pilots Deliver Newborns with HL7, Realtime Interfaces, and SIIS-to-SIIS Four-State Case Study (Not Ripley's New Exhibit)
See more of The 2004 Immunization Registry Conference