Tuesday, October 19, 2004 - 10:55 AM
The Time has Come: State-to-State Registry Communication using HL7 – Case Study of a Four-State Pilot
Mike Garcia, Scientific Technologies Corporation, 67 E. Weldon, Suite 110, Phoenix, USA and Christina Babin, Idaho Immunization Program-IRIS, Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, PO Box 83720, 450 West State Street, Boise, ID, USA.
With the delivery of immunization services to patients spanning state lines and movement of families between states, immunization program managers recognize the need for state-to-state registry communications and capabilities to search for and combine vaccination records that may exist within registries outside of their jurisdictions.
In line with the PHIN standards, the Health Level Seven (HL7) Standard Protocol has been accepted as the method of choice for communication compatibility between immunization registries and external systems such as billing systems, patient management systems and electronic medical records.
This presentation will discuss the benefits of SIIS-to-SIIS data exchanges, PHIN standards and the technology required, confidentiality and security issues, data sharing agreements between the states and the current efforts among several states that have the technical capability to achieve this now. Secondly, the discussion will include any discoveries among the state pilot participants regarding requirements for features not available in the initial implementation.
Case study reviewing the four-state pilot project initiated in July, 2004. Technical, programmatic and legislative issues/solutions will be documented during the pilot for the presentation.
The final result of the pilot will be determined during the July to October implementation and pilot. It is expected that the technical barriers will be minor and the major efforts will focus on data sharing agreements.
Using PHIN standards, SIIS-to-SIIS data sharing capabilities improve data quality, decrease over-vaccination occurrences and decrease efforts to enter historical vaccinations. Beyond the technology, significant efforts remain for the state Departments of Health to establish formal agreements for data sharing.
1. Needs and benefits
1. Overview of the required technology
2. Data sharing agreements among states
Recorded presentation
See more of Pilots Deliver Newborns with HL7, Realtime Interfaces, and SIIS-to-SIIS Four-State Case Study (Not Ripley's New Exhibit)
See more of The 2004 Immunization Registry Conference