Tuesday, October 19, 2004 - 10:35 AM
Maximizing registry utilization in public health efforts
Danielle Reader-Jolley, SIIS, Scientific Technologies Corporation, 4400 E. Broadway Blvd, Suite 705, Tucson, AZ, USA and Christina Babin, Idaho Immunization Program-IRIS, Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, PO Box 83720, 450 West State Street, Boise, ID, USA.
As Immunization Programs are asked to do more with less, innovative strategies are needed for determining pockets of need, targeting outreach strategies and trending immunization coverage levels.
1) Share strategies for performing quantitative evaluation on large- and small-scale immunization efforts using registry data; 2) Discuss strategies for incorporating registries w/outreach activities and targeted marketing.
In 2003, Idaho used their registry, IRIS, to conduct an annual survey of over 2,100 two year olds. Data from the registry was exported to CASA for analysis. This procedure has also been used to analyze rates at regional/clinic levels, and evaluation of special outreach clinics and events. Idaho has also mobilized IRIS for offsite clinics/events and targeted marketing efforts.
By using IRIS to conduct the 2 Year Old Survey, the old process that took 2 months for patient record retrieval and CASA data entry was cut to less than 40 hours. Mobilization of IRIS for outreach has provided access to complete immunization histories and enabled evaluation of impact on coverage levels. Directed marketing contributes to increased attendance among target populations and decreased advertising costs.
Significant staff resources can be saved by utilizing immunization technologies for assessment and outreach activities. Integration of registries with service delivery, evaluation and outreach is a critical step in evolving registry systems from data warehouses to tools for improving immunization rates and ultimately the success and sustainability of statewide registry initiatives.
1. Participants will gain a better understanding of how registries and CASA can be maximized for quantitative evaluation.
2. Participants will identify ways that immunization registries can assist in planning/conducting outreach, and increasing attendance.
Recorded presentation
See more of Using Immunization Registries for CASA Assessments and to Improve VFC Accountability
See more of The 2004 Immunization Registry Conference