The 36th National Immunization Conference of CDC

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A Community-Wide Registry for Documentation of Adult Polysaccharide Pneumococcal Vaccinations (PPV)

Donna C. DiMartino1, Regina Purinton1, Colleen A. Hunkler2, and Douglas Shenson1. (1) SPARC, P.O. Box 746, Lakeville, CT, USA, (2) Information Systems, North Adams Regional Hospital, 71 Hospital Ave, North Adams, MA, USA

Pneumococcal immunization, clinical preventive services, registry, physician practice, community health

In January 2000, SPARC, a nonprofit disease prevention organization, began working with healthcare providers in north Berkshire County, MA, to increase delivery of PPV. Participants included multi-physician practices, a visiting nurse agency, three long-term care facilities, and a hospital. Each provider is affiliated with Northern Berkshire Health Systems, and is linked to a common patient data system.

To develop a community-wide registry for documentation of PPV.

The Information Systems Department at the local hospital developed a “Clinical Preventive Services Screen” (CPSS) accessible from computers throughout the health system. The CPSS documents the provision of services and has a “look up” feature. It is password protected and the input source can be traced. Documentation of PPV status for patients not registered at the health system is recorded on a separate spreadsheet. A master data sheet was developed from both records.

Previous receipt of PPV was entered into the system, and providers began using the CPSS to look-up and document immunizations. The master sheet was sorted by provider for each medical practice. Physicians responded favorably to having this information immediately available. A list was created for VNA nurses to avoid revaccinations at public clinics. To date, data on PPV status have been recorded for 2,116 patients.

The development of a community-wide information system provides documentation of PPV immunization status avoiding revaccination. An independent program such as SPARC is well positioned to develop and implement such a strategy.

Describe the elements of a community-wide adult immunization registry.

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