The 36th National Immunization Conference of CDC

Wednesday, May 1, 2002 - 5:00 PM

AAP,Childhood Immunization Support Program, "Helping Pediatricians and Immunization Providers"

Denia Varrasso, Committee on Community Health Services, American Academy of Pediatrics, 141 Northwest Point Blvd, Elk Grove Village, IL, USA

Immunization Delivery System, Medical Home, Immunization Resources, Immunization Network, Pediatricians, Immunization Providers

Through a cooperative agreement in 1999, the AAP and the CDC initiated the Childhood Immunization Support Program (CISP), a national program coordinated by the AAP to improve the effectiveness of the immunization delivery system and to increase immunization rates in children across the nation. The goals of the CISP are to: 1) Improve immunization delivery practices; 2) Enable providers to communicate effectively with parents about vaccines; and 3) Establish a national network of immunization providers promoting uniform implementation of best immunization practices in the medical home. In addition, the CISP provides resources and technical assistance on immunization issues to help pediatricians and others communicate with parents about vaccine safety issues and the importance of immunizing children within a medical home.

The purpose of this meeting is to bring together local pediatricians, AAP Chapter presidents, and other immunization experts to introduce the CISP, showcase its various services and resources for providers, describe how the CISP can meet the needs of pediatricians

Describe the goals and activities of the CISP. Showcase program services and resources.


Pediatricians and other providers will be better prepared to implement the unique opportunity to promote immunizations to parents, who are regarded as the most important source of information about immunizations.

Providers will be able to: (1) acquire new information about valuable CISP resources that will help them analyze and improve their immunization delivery practices; (2) access tools that are available to help them communicate effectively with parents about vaccines; (3) be introduced to best immunization practices and providing medical homes and be given the opportunity to become part of a national network that promotes these practices.

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See more of Supporting Providers in Giving the Immunization Message to Parents
See more of The 36th National Immunization Conference