The 36th National Immunization Conference of CDC

Terrace Room (Tower Building) (Adam's Mark Hotel)
Tuesday, April 30, 2002: 4:30 PM-6:00 PM

B11: Pertussis in the U.S. What is going on? Session 1

This workshop will describe the current trends of pertussis is in the U.S., and how trends have changed during the past 2 decades. Since pertussis remains an endemic disease, outbreaks of this vaccine-preventable disease remain common. Analysis of the large pertussis outbreak in Arkansas will be presented and discussed. In addition, new data are available and will be presented on what types of macrolide antibiotics can be used for prophylaxis and treatment.
Learning Objectives: Describe the current epidemiology of pertussis is in the U.S., and how it has changed over the past 2 decades. Describe what antibiotics can be used for prophylaxis and treatment.

Moderator:Kris Bisgard
4:30 PMIntroductory Remarks
4:40 PMEpidemiology of Reported Pertussis Cases -- United States, 2000
Pamela Srivastava, F. Brian Pascual, Kris Bisgard, Margaret Cortese, Tejpratap Tiwari, Lynn Zanardi, Trudy Murphy
5:00 PMPertussis Outbreak, Arkansas 2001
Talmage M. Holmes, Sandra L Snow, Linda Gladden
5:20 PMPresentation - Robin Curtis
5:40 PMDiscussion

The 36th National Immunization Conference of CDC