The 36th National Immunization Conference of CDC

Columbine Room (Tower Building) (Adam's Mark Hotel)
Thursday, May 2, 2002: 10:30 AM-12:00 PM

E10: International Polio Eradication Activities

The workshop addresses issues relating to polio eradication including cost-effectiveness, financing, and strategies being employed in endemic areas.
Learning Objectives: Participant will be able to identify operational methods and strategies used to conduct cost effective polio eradication activities.

Moderator:Linda Quick
10:30 AMIntroductory Remarks
10:40 AMCosting Analyses on the Impact of Polio Eradication Activities: Three Studies
Bryn A. Sakagawa, Ann Levin, Marty Makinen
11:10 AMThe eradication of polio from India: progress and prospects
W. Gary Hlady, Sobhan Sarkar, Kaushik Banerjee, Jagadish M. Deshpande
11:40 AMDiscussion

The 36th National Immunization Conference of CDC