The 37th National Immunization Conference of CDC

Monday, March 17, 2003 - 11:05 AM

Applying Business Assessment to Immunization: Best Practices in Pennsylvania

Amy R. Wishner1, Harryl Allen, Jerold Aronson, and Alan E. Kohrt2. (1) Immunization Education Program, Pennsylvania Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics, 919 Conestoga Rd, Building 2, Suite 307, Rosemont, PA, USA, (2) Children's Health Net, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, 34th & Civic Center Blvd, Philadelphia, PA, USA

Practice performance; effective immunization strategies, managerial style, organizational climate

The PA AAP and PA DOH with the PAFP have a statewide AFIX immunization education program (IEP) providing on-site Immunization Updates, CASAs, teleconference series, and newsletter to practice staff since 1997.

To enhance the IEP, a Best Practices Project began in 2000 to describe leadership styles in high immunization clinical practices.

A sample of 10 physician office practices was divided into “average” and “above average” immunization rate groups using CASA. In each practice, physician leader(s), a practice manager, and at least one staff were interviewed using an open-ended question Role Profile survey. Staff from 9 of 10 practices completed an online Managerial Styles survey. HayGroup assisted with instrument development, data collection and analysis.

Above average immunization practices demonstrate a broader range of management styles than less well performing practices. Indicators of management style differ based on the number of physicians in an above average immunization performing practice.

Specific managerial styles and organization climate attributes are associated with high immunization performance of community physician practices. Average or below average immunization performance practices might improve their performance if they implemented some of the successful styles in their practice. Further research with a larger number of practices would augment current findings.

Describe Managerial Style and Organization Climate analysis.
Describe practices with above average immunization rates in terms of their Organizational Climate and Physician Leadership aspects.

See more of Increasing Immunization Coverage in Pediatric Practices
See more of The 37th National Immunization Conference