The 37th National Immunization Conference of CDC

Tuesday, March 18, 2003 - 11:05 AM

Software Sharing; Cost-Sharing; Inter-State Issues

Thomas R. Maerz, Wisconsin Immunization Registry, Wisconsin Department of Health and Family Services, 1 West Wilson State Office Building, Room 318, Madison, WI, USA and Bill Brand, Immunization Program, Minnesota Department of Health, 717 SE Delaware Street, P.O. Box 9441, Minneapolis, MN, USA.

The need for immunization projects collaborating and sharing immunization registry solutions is becoming more critical as we approach the move nearer to the 2010 Healthy People registry objective. The State of Wisconsin’s Department of Health and Family Services, working with EDS, Inc., developed a highly functional web-based application known as the Wisconsin Immunization Registry (WIR). Wisconsin then offered WIR to others as a public domain application, Minnesota being the first to accept.

The State of Wisconsin’s Department of Health and Family Services, working with EDS, Inc., developed a highly functional web-based application known as the Wisconsin Immunization Registry (WIR). Wisconsin then offered WIR to others as a public domain application, Minnesota being the first of over a half dozen entities to accept it.

To discuss practical issues faced in such inter-state sharing, including legal and other policy issues, identifying and sharing costs on future enhancements, efforts to keep the states’ versions as identical as possible for the sake of border clinics, and CMS funding.

Oral presentation with question and answer session.

A fuller understanding of the issues faced in sharing a registry application.

Opportunities exist for immunization projects to share registry solutions. Such sharing requires thoughtful planning and implementation.

To understand the range of policy issues that are part of sharing a registry application between immunization projects.

See more of Registry Collaborations and Partnerships
See more of The 37th National Immunization Conference