The 37th National Immunization Conference of CDC

Tuesday, March 18, 2003 - 11:35 AM

User Satisfaction Survey and Quality Improvement

Maureen K. Murphy, Katie Reed, Susan Maute, Sheila A Allard, Amanda Wilson, and Laurie Kenyon. Partners In Health Systems, PO Box 249, 5703 Enterprise Parkway, Dewitt, NY, USA

Survey, User Satisfaction, Quality Improvement

To successfully recruit, support and maintain Immunization Registries, the various components of the registry and its users must be understood. In the support of the Central New York Immunization Registry (CNYIR) and the Finger Lakes Area Immunization Registry (FLAIR), Partners in Health Systems (PHS) has learned that it takes the application of many different resources to make the registry effective. The most recent of these efforts was the administration of a satisfaction survey for the user community.

Through the administration of a survey, measure the level of satisfaction of those participating in CNYIR and FLAIR. Further, to provide PHS and lead agencies with quality assurance in the process of providers joining and integrating the registry into their practice.

Developed a survey in conjunction with lead agencies and with assistance from the University of Rochester. The survey assessed the software and the implementation process from recruitment through post installation and support. The survey was distributed by mail and the sample consisted of the entire population utilizing HealthyShot. All data was collected and interpreted at PHS.

The results of the survey have provided PHS, lead agencies and the entire registry project with tools to further expand and improve upon the registry. Specifically, the results provided guidance for internal improvements. Thus allowing for enhanced recruitment and implementation processes.

The administration of a survey provides information which will further efforts to improve a registry project.

To better understand how a survey can provide a registry team with tools to improve processes, as well as increase use and recruitment.

See more of Methodologies to Measure Provider Participation and Attitudes Toward Immunization Registries
See more of The 37th National Immunization Conference