The 37th National Immunization Conference of CDC

Wednesday, March 19, 2003 - 4:05 PM

Closing the Gap: Outreach to African-Americans and Asians to reduce flu immunization disparities

Anne Avery and Joni V. Jones. Division of Health Plans and Providers, The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, 601 East 12th Street, Room 235, Kansas City, MO, MO, USA

Coalitions developed through local churches in the greater Kansas City metropolitan area in the African-American and Asian communities. These coalitions are established with clinical and non-clinical based churches.

The goal of this campaign’s objective is to meet the Healthy People 2010 goal of CMS. Thousands of deaths can be prevented and millions of dollars saved through education and the immunization of influenza and pneumoccocal pneumonia shots.

The goal of specifying the flu campaign’s objective through the Black and Asian churches is to reduce the disparity among the people age 65 and over. Since 1993 the (KCRO) Kansas City Regional Office of CMS has partnered with the American Red Cross, Medicine Shoppes Pharmacy, the Greater Kansas City Black Nurses Association and the Office of Public Health and Science. From 1997 to 2002 the KCRO partnered with the (CNBC) Congress of Black Churches through its affiliated church congregations in the greater Kansas City area. CNBC and CMS produced an America Adult Health and Wholeness Passport booklet and distributed over 52,000 copies.

Demonstrate coalition capacity building and develop partnerships with partners in order to work with churches.

In 2000, 34,724 Missouri African-American beneficiaries were immunized at 14.6% and 5,123 beneficiaries who include Asian, Korean, and Filipinos were immunized at 27.1%. Compared to 549,047 Caucasians immunized at 38.7%.
In 2000, 34,724 Missouri African-American beneficiaries were immunized at 14.6% and 5,123 beneficiaries who include Asian, Korean, and Filipinos were immunized at 27.1%. Compared to 549,047 Caucasians immunized at 38.7%.

Identify Medicare ethnic elderly populations to educate and immunize to reduce the disparity.

Teach techniques necessary to create, lead and sustain immunization coalitions through churches. Provide ways to increase understanding about ways to work with culturally and linguistically diverse populations.

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See more of Reducing Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Adult Immunization
See more of The 37th National Immunization Conference