The 37th National Immunization Conference of CDC

Monday, March 17, 2003: 11:00 AM-12:30 PM

A11: Funding Adult Vaccinations

Presenters in this workshop will dicuss the adequacy of funding for adult vaccines.
Learning Objectives: The participant will have a detailed knowledge of government funding for adult vaccines.

Moderator:Mark L. Messonnier
11:00 AMIntroductory Remarks
11:02 AMMonte Carlo Simulation and Mathematical Model of Physician Expenses Incurred Providing Influenza Vaccine to Adult Patients
Margaret S. Coleman, John M. Fontanesi, Nancy Bennett, Daniel B. Fishbein, Abby Shefer
11:22 AMSustaining Adult Immunization Programs: Medicare Reimbursement for State-Supplied Vaccine
Donna L. Lazorik, Pejman Talebian, Mary Fontaine
11:42 AMWho pays what: Cost of Vaccinating HCW with Smallpox in the US under S-1VP
Ismael R. Ortega-Sanchez, Ben Schwartz
12:02 PMDiscussion

The 37th National Immunization Conference of CDC