Tuesday, May 11, 2004 - 11:45 AM

Protecting Michigan's Children Using The Michigan Childhood Immunization Registry

Bob Swanson, Michigan Department of Community Health, State of Michigan, 3423 N. Martin L. King Jr. Blvd, P.O. Box 30195, Lansing, MI, USA

The Michigan Childhood Immunization Registry is a robust web based system that currently stores 2.8 million child records and over 34 million immunization encounters. The purpose of the registry is to protect communities from vaccine-preventable diseases and to assure that all children in Michigan are appropriately immunized with the most efficient use of program resources.

To demonstrate the utilization of registry data.

In 2001, MDCH added to accredidation that MCIR population coverage levels should be at 50% for every county. MCIR regional staff developed strategies with the counties to promote increased participation at the provider level. WIC immunizations levels are generated on a monthly basis and mailed to all WIC agencies. Health Plans utilize MCIR data for HEDIS reporting.

2002 HEDIS reporting measures increased an average of 25% per antigen for Health Plans.
Immunization levels in MCIR for 19 through 35 months 4-3-3-1-3-1 have increased:
WIC shows an increase of 7% statewide in WIC clients obtaining all of their immunizations for this series from January 2003 to June 2003
Regional percentages have increased from 11% to 18% from January 2002 to May 2003
Local Health Departments have increased 5 to 15% in county coverage levels since January 2002 to May 2003
The statewide
Immunization rate has increased 13% on coverage levels since January 2002 to May 2003
AFIX staff discovered 18,000 dose dates in MCIR that were not in the patients charts during AFIX visits in 2002

NIS data indicates that Michigan increased immunizations levels by nearly 12% in 2002. Michigan was previously ranked at 42nd in 2001 and is now ranked 6th in the nation for 2002.Providers are measuring their clinic levels, LHDs measure their county levels, and the state measures the statewide level on a monthly basis.

Participants will learn how Michigan has used registry data to improve HEDIS measures, WIC Immunization levels,and population based immunization coverage levels.