Thursday, May 13, 2004 - 11:15 AM

Military Vaccine Agency: Commitment to Health, Safety and Education

John Grabenstein, Health Care Operations, U.S. Army, 5111 Leesburg Pike, Skyline 5 Suite 401A, Falls Church, VA, USA

The Department of Defense conducts several global vaccination programs, including programs to protect against anthrax and smallpox infections. Implementation of these programs is coordinated by the Military Vaccine (MILVAX) Agency. The anthrax vaccination program was the subject of controversy until the scientific basis for safe vaccination and the lethal threat of anthrax spores became apparent to the public. Lessons learned from the anthrax vaccination program were applied to the complex challenges of smallpox vaccination. This included creation of the Vaccine Healthcare Center (VHC) Network to promote quality immunization delivery and evaluate rare adverse events after vaccination.

To provide military leaders, healthcare providers, service members, their families, and the public with a synchronized access point for information, education, and coordination of the anthrax and smallpox vaccination programs.

Using various health education, promotion, and communication techniques and technologies, the MILVAX Agency coordinated an unprecedented communication program to ensure consistency of information materials for stakeholders.

Since 1998, more than 1.1 million Service Members have been vaccinated against anthrax. Since 2002, more than 600,000 Service Members have been vaccinated against smallpox. Safety data on both programs have been published in peer-reviewed journals. The MILVAX Agency educated over 50,000 stakeholders through conferences, training courses, toll-free information calls and customized question-and-answer services via email. The VHC Network developed the Immunization Toolkit and web-based Project Immune Readiness curriculum to enhance the education of vaccine providers.

The MILVAX Agency and the VHC Network provided optimal education to service members, healthcare providers, and other stakeholders, while providing management information and organizational integrity to the Department of Defense.

Learning Objectives:
1) Attendees will gain knowledge of the MILVAX program to include the education tools, resources and capabilities that are available to all stakeholders.
2) Attendees will gain knowledge regarding the history, risk and threat that both anthrax and smallpox present in the 21st Century.
3) Attendees will gain clinical understanding of the aspects, safety and effectiveness of the anthrax and smallpox vaccines.
4) Attendees will gain an understanding of the highly effective methods and safeguards for shipping and monitoring the vaccines worldwide.

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