Studies indicate that good communication with patients leads to greater patient satisfaction, and better treatment of chronic illness. There is reason to believe that many patients are unable to follow simple instructions provided in prescriptions, information brochures and/or consent forms due to low English-language literacy levels. Video programs are successful strategies to improve communication with patients, showing a consistent increase in short-term knowledge and outperforming any other media.
Animated cartoons are a popular media style that is often exported to different countries with minimal language adaptations and can overcome barriers of culture, age, time and literacy.
In this study we want to compare patient understanding and recall of information about DTaP vaccine presented with a videotape in cartoon animation when information is presented in two different settings: in the middle of the traffic of a clinic and in a private classroom setting. The study will measure parent’s knowledge levels before and after exposure to a videotape about the DTaP vaccine in cartoon animation and will compare the results between the two different settings.
This is a randomized control trial, conducted over a one month period at the TTUHSC Pediatric Clinic in El Paso, TX.
A good transmitted message in animated cartoons can improve knowledge among parents/caretakers regarding DTaP vaccination.
Messages processed in a more interesting colorful format transmits the message more efficiently. This is reflected in a shorter time for training, better understanding, less supervision, the ability to replicate the material in Internet, and finally the advantage of communicating more effectively with patients independent of the literacy level.
To show the advantages of using animated cartoons for educational purposes.
To show the advantages of presenting educational material in a videotape in a regular day without any special supervision.